Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Weak Glance

There is this song that has been touching my heart lately.
And some scripture that can be put along side that.
Here it goes...and all comes out.

There is this song called "Dark But Lovely" by Sarah Edwards.
The whole song is wonderful,
but the bridge jumped out at me.

"Somehow my weak glance has overwhelmed You
(And) Somehow my weak love has stolen away Your heart."
We talk about as Christians how we are weak, yet He is strong.
We sing about it, talk about it, preach about it, and claim it as who we are.

But what is it that we are really saying?
What is it that we are really claiming?

(I've been asking God to show me how much it/what it really means to Him when I sing lyrics that glorify Him. I want to truly know the meaning of the words I'm singing. Without God, they are empty lyrics...without God, the song becomes cool lyrics with a sweet melody.)

In Job 34:14-15 and 21-22 it says:
"[14] If it were His intention and He withdrew His Spirit and breath [15] all man-kind would perish together and man would return to dust. [21] His eyes are on the ways of men; He sees their every step. [22] There is no dark place, no deep shadow, where evil-doers can hide."
-->God is in charge of literally everything. There is no way I (or anyone) can hide anything from God. He is an all-knowing God.

How powerless are we? If God withdrew--if He threw in the towel and quit on us, we LITERALLY would turn back to the dust of the ground that we came from. If His Spirit withdrew, we would instantly become meaningless--which without meaning we are nothing--we would no longer be. We would have no purpose.

God is in charge of everything; there is no place to hide or way to cover up something disapproving of God. He LITERALLY holds the power--if He withdrew, we would go back to nothing. The only meaning on this Earth that we hold is that God sees worth in us. He is our source of life--He put breath in our lungs and created us/designed us to be in existence so He can be glorified. If He were to withdraw our only meaning would be gone, which we would go back to being worthless and return to the dust for there is no use in us. 
When I mess up, I often have a hard time turning to God for forgiveness.
I let the one who put worth in me down, and I feel I need to make it up somehow.
But how?
Often times, I will wait over the course of a few days and hopefully have "less sinful" days. I then feel that I can go to God and apologize--that because of a success moment(s) God will turn His face back to me--that I got His attention back for doing something right--He is probably more ready to forgive my previous sin now, and I present my case, as if I was in court.
After one single time of me sinning, (which happened when I was basically born because we are born with a sinful nature/are born with sin) God had every right to give up on me--just one time makes me fall short for eternity-- (Romans 3:23) but because He died on the cross for me, I am free. When God was on the cross, He had every sin I have already committed and every sin that I will commit (the duration of my entire life) on Him--He died so my sin could die--my sin died the day He died on the cross. There was so much sin on Him that His Father, God up above had to turn His face away. When it was finished, freedom was born, and worth in each of us was created.
The compassionate Love in His heart decided that I was worth more than the sin that holds me to my death sentence.
Remember how I talked about feeling like I needed to make my case? Wait for a "better day" to cancel out my sin from the previous day?

-->I don't have to do that. You don't have to do that.

-> God will never turn His face away from us. The Love and Compassion that He has for each of us is stronger than the sin that we live in. The act of turning away from us has already been done; it was just our sin that was turned away from (not us), which Jesus's power was strong enough to overcome, and replaced it with forgiveness and love. Our sin has already endured the punishment--it's unforgiveness that comes with it already died. Put your name is the upcoming blank:
"I love _______ so much! I'm so excited to set him/her free from death--to show him/her the Love that My Father created!" --Jesus while on the Cross.

So, now what? What can do with knowing this?
Say Thank-You.
Know that all Jesus wants from you is to Love Him; to sit with Him; to get to know Him.
He even can fill your heart with the Love that He wants from you--the Love that He created--the Love that He used to die for you on the cross. All you have to do is use it to Love Him. Thank Him. Decide that living for Him is a life worth Living.
When you choose to Love Him, His heart is overjoyed. When you look up at Him, even if you are struggling in life and barely can--when you feel like your failing and barely have any strength left--the fact that you are looking at Him with all (little or much) you have, even if it is for a small glance at a time--His heart is filled with joy.
-We are weak--we hold no power--we cannot hide anything--we cannot do anything on our own strength----yet He loves us with all He has, which is infinite.

Apply this now:

"Somehow, my weak glance
It overwhelmes You, God.
Somehow my weak Love,
Has stolen away Your Heart."
Thanks Jesus.

Dark But Lovely by Sarah Edwards

Another song that displays this well:
A Little Longer--Bethel

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Dust is Beautiful

I got to spend eight incredible days on the corner of Garfield and La Salle, (in Chicago, IL) and although this is the forth time being there/on this trip, I can definitely tell you that God did something new and taught my heart something impactful. I am so blessed to be apart of this trip, and before i go any further, I need to say "Thank You" to Pastor Cal for faithfully taking us for 23 years!
Chicago is not just a city on the map; it is not just a city filled with people flooding each day with work being done and food being eaten; it is a empty city that is searching for something, and although it is within the United States, the brokenness is no less-the poverty Spiritually is no less. They are God's creation just like anywhere else, and it is our job to go and reach these people.

God is so faithful; not only did he do physical healing, such as a lady who's ears were opened for the first time and she could hear, or a lady who had terminal cancer and students who prayed for her felt the tumors in her back shrink and watched her face light up as she excitedly proclaimed that she no longer was in pain! (Boom!!!! Praise God!)
-->But God did so much inner healing as well! It is fun going as a leader on this trip (please understand; it is INCREDIBLE going as a student too; just read me out) because you get to see how Spiritually they grow throughout the week. When they first arrive (especially first timers) you don't have to look into their eyes to see their fear. They are stepping out of their comfort zone; reality of the broken things they see in movies is setting in. They are the minority. They have been prepared to know that the next 8 days are going to be hard, unsafe, and they are expecting to leave heartbroken. Stepping into that, words cannot describe it. I can say from experience.
Students are often times street witnessing for the first time; learning how to lay hands on people and pray for them out-loud and tell them about Jesus--They are stepping out in faith and believing that Jesus will heal the person(s) they are praying for. It's an incredible sight to watch. As one girl proclaimed during testimony time, the Lord gave her such a joy after praying for someone out-loud at a night rally that she went and prayed for 4 more people. She totally broke that chain of fear. It was beautiful to watch her face glow as she told all of us about it! And she wasn't the only person who broke out of her shell, but many people did. God's boldness that He gives us is so powerful.
 -God is so faithful in protecting us, for one night we were at the church eating supper/getting ready to go to our evening rally when it started down pouring. (Mind you; our rallies were outside) We ended up being delayed by a 1/2 hour because of it. When arrived to the evening rally (1/2 hour late) it was learned that 1/2 hour before there was cross-fire and someone ended up being killed. If we wouldn't have been delayed that 1/2 hour, we could have easily been in that cross-fire. Can you say that God protected us?

This trip is also great for hearing God's voice. The Lord taught me so much on this trip about the importance of it, and the power and impact behind it.
The first day, on Sunday, we went to the church service at the church we were staying at. Since the service didn't start until 11:30, we were sent out into the neighborhoods around the church to tell people/invite them to the church service we were about to have. As I was walking with my group, God spoke to me and said, "Laura. I know you've been here before, but I think in all the excitement you've forgotten how beautiful my people are. Look around, I'm going to show you and open your eyes to what I mean."
---Let's just say that God did. Both during that time before church and during church, the Lord took off my lens and I saw such beauty around me; I saw God's creation searching, empty; not knowing what they are searching for; I could feel the brokenness that they were experiencing. I just felt like they couldn't see how much they are really worth; how beautiful that God sees them.
The next day, God reminded me of a song that the band "Gungor" wrote with the lyrics
 "You make beautiful things out of the dust. You make beautiful things out of us."
 **Note: The South side of Chicago does not have much grass/not very green. Much of the city (in the inner city) is concrete that is very old and cracked, and there is A LOT of broken glass and because of that there is dust everywhere.**
So this city is very dusty, and yet he made such a beautiful body of people. God is going to raise/is raising this city out of the dust. What God explained to me through these lyrics is that inner city Chicago is rough; it is broken, and not a very safe place to live. Yet, God made such beautiful people and they live there. --> God's heart is so deeply burning to see His people whom He created to know Him. We are on this trip for a reason; we are there to tell people about His love; to be the body of Christ that moves forward and reaches these people too. Jesus loves these people too. Jesus's light shines in the dark; the inner city of Chicago.
But all of this does NOT stop there. On Thursday, I was at morning prayer and the person leading prayer said that she got a word and it went something like this. "I was praying this morning and God told me straight up: "Kayla, this city is not dead. Do you see the cracks in the concrete? Do you see the grass that is growing between the cracks? Those cracks represent me shining through and proving that this city is not sealed off and doomed. I broke the ground loose, and life (the grass) is coming out between the cracks. I am the life to this city. I am the grass that is growing. Kayla, there is hope for this city. I'm not finished yet. I love these people.""

The grass grows between the cracks and beautiful things are made out of the dust.

God was definitely speaking to me and teaching me so much through all of this. Not only what is relevant to the content, but to listen to His voice and trust that God will confirm what His will is.
-He has been confirming all week. He has been healing. He has been moving.
He has been making beautiful things out of the dust.
The way that God re-broke my heart for the inner city of Chicago; seeing them through Jesus's mirror and loving on them and having even more of a burning desire to witness and pray for people; To see them be united with their Dad and feeling the Love that God created and the relief that they feel because they no longer need to be reliant on a broken, cheapened Earthly love that disappoints and fails.
=Yet again, Jesus didn't stop there.
God asked me for the first 12 days of being home to stay off facebook/twitter. He did so much during those 12 days, and I'm so glad that I listened to His voice because it was TOTALLY worth it. He taught me something new/continual to all of this.
I was thinking one day about how beautiful the people are and how much I miss them, and I was thinking about a sermon and how the speaker talked about that it is time: To stop looking into Satan's mirror and how we need to smash it. And then Jesus started explaining that (and this should be obvious, although I've never thought about it in this way) that there is no level of beauty. He doesn't set two people side-by-side and compare them and say "Well, you are beautiful but (turning to person number two saying) you are more beautiful/valuable because of "____." There is no level of beauty/self worth. God created you in His image; you are beautiful to Him.That's it. He doesn't compare and contrast. He has one level of beauty/self worth. And EVERYONE is equally on that level. His love is the same way. Both Unconditional.

After going on this trip a forth time, yet again my heart has been re-broke and redefined. Just like that His mercies are new every morning, His teaching is new each trip. What He has in store for us is different each time, and I am so beyond thankful. I pray that now that I'm home, I will do the same as I walk on campus and at work/my surroundings. Just like Chicago, our towns that we all came home to are God's creation, and we should treat our homes no different. It is our job/we are called to live in our locations to do God's work.

-The heart of God did not close His doors when the trip became over.
--Our cities are not dead; God is not done. He loves His people.
---The only thing about the missions trip that ended was the trip.

Jesus, I pray that will see each person (no matter where I am) the same. Beautiful and Loved by You.
That I will not compare them or judge them. God I pray that I will look at each person as Your child. I pray for the people of Chicago, that You would reveal to them  their worth/beauty.Take off their lens as You have taken off mine. I pray that I will never loose sight of You and what You've taught me.
Love, Your beautiful daughter.

Here's a link to the song Beautiful Things by The Gungor Band.
It's good; I recommend it.


Friday, April 5, 2013

When the Sun Became the Son

Last night, I saw a picture of the sun lying on the ground.
People were taking pieces from it (as if it was a piece of pizza or something) and at first, those pieces would be gone but eventually re-grow. But as more pieces were taken, it never broke apart. It stayed as if it were never taken from. Complete in it's form; whole.
           -->Not sure what it was supposed to mean, I didn't share/say anything.
But God started revealing what He wanted me to see through/from this.
As I sat at Chi Alpha tonight and Pastor Dave spoke from Luke 15 about the parable of the Lost Sheep and how God (and we all should) see(s) value in leaving the ninety-nine to go after the one, and how God will never leave us, nor forsake us, I started to once again think about that picture.
God started revealing about the Sun;
We all know that we cannot get close to the Earth sun because it is so hot we would die if we touched it; even just from getting close to it. It is so unapproachable that we cannot even look straight at it for we could become blind.
---> This relates to how God is to us. We are so sinful that we have became separated from God; that we could not approach Him because our sin cannot be in the presence of the Almighty Perfect God. We cannot worship at His feet because we are so filthy; so broken; so imperfect; so sinful.
But in this picture that I saw, the S(u)n came down and laid itself on the ground. Anyone could approach it, touch it, look directly at it, and even take pieces from it. I just started seeing people bending down and taking pieces. As time went on, more people came at once, each wanting a piece of this S(u)n, and to my amazement, it never ran out, keeping it's entirety as a whole.
-->This is where I believe that the S(u)n became the S(o)n.
-----> God, who has been shining on this Earth since the day He created it, (who required people in Bible times to sacrifice animals because they could not have the Spirit dwell inside of them and have a personal relationship and helper like we do now; they could not directly ask for forgiveness) decided to send His S(o)n to this Earth to perform miracles, walk among the Earth, (and I don't say this lightly) and die on the Cross for our sins.
*The minute that Jesus died on the Cross for us and sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of us and be our helper is the minute that the S(u)n came down and laid on the ground (in the picture) and became the S(o)n.
Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we could have a chance to be with Him, to worship Him, and live a life that is FOR Him. He came down as a sinless and perfect God in man form and then died on the Cross and rose again so that anyone who calls on His name can be healed by Him, have Him live inside and direct their lives, and be Loved (A Jesus kind of Love; not an Earthly Love (which is SO much more beautiful and satisfying)) Anyone who desires Him/wants Him can have Him.
-He is All Loving (He created and defined Love)
-He is All Forgiving (Hebrews 4:16)
-He is Ever-Lasting (Matthew 11:28)
-He will never fail you
-He will never leave you
-He will never leave you empty
-He paid it All (John 3:16)
-He died on the Cross
-And He can live INSIDE you
Jesus wants you to come to Him, trust in Him, and rely on Him to be satisfied.
He wants to show you how beautiful and deligate His Love is.
And just like in the picture/vision, He never runs out. You can desire/take ALL of Him and yet He won't run out for someone else; there is enough to satisfy and complete ALL His children. He wants you to take those empty holes the Earth has left you with and fill them with pieces of Him. He just wants to be your Dad; He just wants to Love you and make you complete just like when He first created you in His image.
Jesus will leave the 99 to seek YOU because YOU are worth it to Him.
Here's a song (it's one of my favorites) that goes with the message of this blog.
"Not For A Moment."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Excuse Me, Mr. President.

Ok. It's pretty obvious by now that Barack Obama has been re-elected president. If you did not know this by now, I feel bad that I'm the one who broke the news to you, but really; Just read me out.
(You cannot hear me out, because I am not currently using my voice; You are reading)
My first thoughts when I found out/when they declared his win was
"All right then! Time to call my friends from Canada (I actually have legit friends in Canada; Cool, eh?:) and set up living arrangements for the next four years. I had it all planned out: I would live with them, help contribute to rent/groceries and when I get sick I'll just come back to the states for I'm currently under my parent's health insurance plan. And it's only for four years...what are the odds I'd get violently sick and need a hospital?
But of course, that's silly. I can't just pick up my life and move to Canada.
I can't give up my school and everything just because I don't care for our current president.

And what kind of Christian attitude is that?
I just get up and run away from my problems?
God put Obama back in office for a reason.
So if  I totally underestimate the Savior I claim to love, what's the point of life?
And that's what this blog is really about.
Yes. Barack Obama is back in office.
As much as it saddens me to say so, it is a true fact.
Do you think that the Lord saw that Obama won presidency and bailed?
    ---> That He left? Because it is not maybe His first choice?
Because some of the things that Obama stands for is not honoring to His name?

The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 31:6 to "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Wait a second.
The Lord has not forsaken us?
He's never let go of us?
 We are not to be afraid?
LET ME TELL YOU: Daddy has a Plan.
He Loves you so much.
He cares for you.
And as hard as it is going to be to hear this,
---Obama being put back into office is for a reason of GOD!

There's a song called "Yahweh" by Kari Jobe.
Look at these lyrics:
"Yahweh. Yahweh.
Faithful God, You're here to stay!
Yahweh, Yahweh.
Forever and always the same!"

 God Almighty,
 Lord of Glory!"

Yahweh is a name that we call Him. We honor Him. "Lord of all, He is Yahweh..."
"Yahweh! Faithful God, Your here to stay! Yahweh! Forever and always the same!"
---> You guys. God is going to hear our prayers. He is always around us and living within us. He will never take a vacation or move somewhere where Barack Obama isn't president. He will never say, "Whoa! Barack again? This nation is messed up. Forget this, I'm going to get out of here before the world ends---before it gets worse."
He is STILL HERE. And most of all, He's waiting on your prayers.

--"Ok. Wait a second. Laura, you want me to pray? For this messed up nation?"

YES! You guys. This is our chance. He is standing on his tip-toes. He is waiting to hear a cry of our desperation because we voted and lost--we no longer have control over what is done for the next four years--We made our voice heard but it wasn't loud enough. There is nothing left we can do in this world on our own anymore. We no longer have the power to make a change, because the vote has already been cast.
---Is it not like our own lives? We are sinners, and there's nothing that we could do to save us from eternal life in Hell. But did God give up on us? No! He died on a cross for us; gave us a new chance for life. A chance to be with our Creator; A chance to live with our Savior in Heaven. Jesus never gave up on us. Should we give up on our unsaved brothers and sisters? Is that what God wants?After what He did, should we just hang up our hats and call it quits? Is that who God raised us to be?
Well, what about our nation?
Even...with our president?

We can be praying for a revival.
I think enough of us are upset about this election to where we are DESPERATE for change. We see now where this nation is headed and many of us don't like it. Many of us are scared. We see the world deteriorating and our hope of a Republican president is gone. But GUYS! This is NOT a time to ditch Deuteronomy 31:6 and give up hope! We serve a God who heals! We serve a God who is able to hear us, answer prayers, and forgive us for our wrong doings.
Instead of wasting our efforts in anger, we need to turn it into desperation.

Believe me, this nation breaks the heart of our Creator;
If we truly mean what we say when we ask the Lord to break our hearts for what breaks His, then we need to be praying for a revival in our nation. If we come together determined instead of  hopeless and bitter, think about how powerful our prayer would/will be.
We cannot leave it up to our president (Obama or not) to make the change, we need to rely on ourselves if we want to see a turn-around in this nation!

And really, no matter who our president is, it doesn't matter.
If we had a Republican president, we may not have Obama care, but he could come up with something else as bad or WORSE. Putting a name of Republican or Democrat is the matter of a false hope and security. Here the real faith and comfort should lie is in the arms of our King.

So excuse me, Mr. President:
I serve a God that can do anything. Literally.
Because God wants me to respect you, Congrats on the win of the election.
[Just remember]
Although you may be in charge of this nation,
Jesus rules above you.
Jesus has more of a vision for this nation than you realize.
You are in office for a reason.
And I trust in my God.

He will be forever and always the same.
He will never change.
He is all consuming, everlasting, God almighty, the Lord of Glory.
He is the "president" in our hearts.
He is not of this world; He is the one we want to conform to.
He is the one who is truly looking into our best interest.
He is faithful.
He's here to stay.
And He is the one who Loves us,

"Father. I pray for wisdom for our president.
 Let Your will be done.
 God. I know You have never left us.
 And Father, I know You will never leave us.
 Whatever happens, if the world ends:
 I pray Your name will be Glorified.
 God, Abba, Father.
 I pray for Your protection. For Your Love.
 That You will continue to Love this nation.
 And that You will break my heart for this nation just as Your own heart is broken.
 That I will be respectful toward Obama and our nation's government.
 I know YOU are the ultimate authority.
 And that Obama can only do what You allow.
 Love You Dad.
 Love from Your daughter,

 Here's the song that I was referencing:
Give it a listen; it's anointed; it's incredible!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

HIghest Number in the World

You know how little kids will say "I bet you 100 dollars that this will happen."
But they are not actually betting a hundred dollars, they just mean "I am really serious about this."
Well, when I was younger, I would say "I bet the highest number in the world that...(fill in the blank here)
As I got older though, I started to really think about it.
Is there really a number that is the highest number possible?
Ya sure, in games or test scores there is,
But in life we talk high numbers to be in the billions and the trillions.
Is there really a number that is the "highest?"
I don't think there can be.
Because you could take some super big number and +1.
When you add one, then that new number is the highest.
But wait, you can +1 to the new number and now THAT'S the highest.
See where I'm going?

I googled "Highest number in the world/universe" and many people answered with "Infinity."
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of "Infinity" is:
  a : the quality of being infinite b : unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity
So, basically, infinity is not a really number, because it's unlimited.

So what's the idea behind this hoopla? 

Jesus died the ultimate death out of Love for us.
He is timeless. He's always been there.
He's the true Infinity.
(He's unlimited)
As a sinner, we can't cap Jesus's Love.
The Bible says that no matter what we do, no matter the amount of disappointment that we bring to the table, it will never stop Jesus from Loving us.
Jesus will never say "Well. I could forgive you for this and this, (you were at your max of sin that I could forgive) but Laura, this put me over the edge, and now you ruined your chances of having Me."

One of my favorite Misty Edwards songs is called "Arms Wide Open."
I can barely sing it without tearing. 
The way that our Creator showed His Love for us...
(Background Knowledge: The song is of someone narrating...they sit down, see Jesus dying on the Cross, the character sees Jesus looking at them with Love and Compassion. The character comes to the realization that Jesus sees this narrator as such delicate perfection in His eyes, and the character can do nothing than weep and (both physically and Spiritually) fix their eyes on Jesus.)
The part that gets me consists of these lyrics:
 "Love's Definition.
 Love's Definition was looking at me, looking at Him, hanging on a Tree, and I began to weep, and weep, and weep, and weep.
 This is how I know what Love is..." 
The Love that is mentioned, has no specific amount (number) attached.
It's unlimited; It's beautiful; It's Infinite. It's Jesus.

When He created Love; When He defined it, He had us on His mind.

Arms Wide Open. Misty Edwards.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stumble Upon

Look at this picture.
(Before I go any further, all credit goes to www.1x.com and Daniel Nimmervoll for this picture. I did NOT take it and I do NOT own it.)
Many people's first thoughts is "Wow. That looks so cool!!!" I agree. It really is.

Lately I've been feeling stressed with last minute projects, end of the year papers, and of course finals, but the Lord's been teaching me about and really stressing the power behind His Love; The power behind the strength that it takes to not change one's mind.
---Ok. You are probably really confused right now. The power to not change one's mind? Laura, what are you talking about?
(I'll get there, just read me out.)
--->You can't hear me out, so you will have to settle for "reading" me out.
Jesus died a perfect death. His Love was strong enough to die the ultimate death so that you and I have the opportunity to have the Love that God created. The Love that our Dad showed for us.

As the masterpiece that the Lord created us to be, we are in complete perfection; we are completely beautiful and serve a purpose: to Love and Honor Him. To be the child that every dad dreams of.
As the sinners of the World though, we are the complete opposite. We battle everyday the battles that satan hopes to win in us. We battle temptation, we believe the lies the world tells us, and we are so full of filth that when Jesus died on the cross with our sin on Him, God had to turn His face away from His Son. He couldn't bare to look at the amount of sin that was present. We are unworthy; we will never be able to amount to the kind of person that deserves to sit at their Creator's feet and Worship Him.
-But the Love of God changes this.
-The Love that Jesus defined is bigger than any temptation or amount of sin that we are. 
The Lord looks through His eyes and sees such beautiful perfection. He sees us through the eyes of His forgiveness, and His heart is full of compassion for us. 
As the dad waited, watching for his son to return (the prodigal son), Jesus is sitting on His porch watching out for us/waiting for us to come home. He wants nothing more than for us to run into His arms and grasp the Love that He created with us in mind.It doesn't matter how lost we may be, how broken we are, or how long it takes us to discover Him.

No matter what we do, He will never change His mind about us. We so easily change our minds about things all the time. We have a best friend one week, and then decide (often because of something they did that we don't like) we change our mind about how close we really are to them. Well, I can guarantee you that we disappoint Jesus everyday, (it's our sinful nature) but He has the power to NEVER change His mind about us. He will never change His mind about creating us, loving us, or finding us beautiful in His sight. He is the real deal. He will always Love us.

We are a lot like this light bulb. We were made to shine with the light that Jesus is, but because we are born into this world, we become broken with sin. Do you see that even though it's shattered, there is still a current of electricity that lights up the bulb? That's us with Jesus. We ARE shattered. None of us are perfect. But with Jesus, we can still shine; We can still light up the world. Jesus can fix the current in others so they can shine too. He is the electricity that is needed for us to truly live. He is the current that gives us light...and life.

-Once again, I did not take or own the picture shown.
-If you are looking for a sweet powerful, yet laid-back song to listen to, my good friend wrote a song called Waterfall, and the lyrics speak so much truth and kind of relate to this blog post. 
Check it, here:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mustard Seed

Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Boy (Matthew 17:14-21)
"When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. "Lord, have mercy on my son," he said "He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him."
"You unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "How long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to Me.." Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment. Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?" He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Ok. Let's re-read this one part:
"Truly I tell you, if you have little faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Think about this. Jesus is saying to His disciples You can take this mountain; this huge mountain that's mounted to the ground, and tell it to move from one place to another if you have faith as small as a mustard seed. 
Now the Bible says that the mustard seed is the SMALLEST seed available. 
And that's all the faith that's needed to do something as miraculous as moving a gigantic mountain.
As I read this, I was instantly convicted.
How do miracles, people getting saved, people believing, and healings happen? 
It takes someone who has faith to ask the Lord to do something awesome.
And the Bible says that Faith the size of a mustard seed can do miraculous things.
Like move a mountain.
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Galatians 1:10 tells us:
"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
 --> The Lord has been really been teaching me about not caring about what others think. When it comes to witnessing, it can be tough. If you are at school, you are in front of your piers. You stand in front of people who judge you for taking a step out of the crowd, and sometimes we let fear get the best of us. Correction: Sometimes I let the fear get the best of me. But the Lord has been teaching me that i need to live everyday in missions as it's my last day here on Earth. He wants me to treat each day as if it's my last chance to do something for His kingdom. He has been challenging me with Matthew 17:14-21...telling me that if I had the faith as small as a mustard seed and didn't care what other people thought (Galatians 1:10) I could be doing so much more for His kingdom.
And He's right...
I could.

So the other day, I was walking by this woman in the union building at my school who had a brace on her leg. I walked right past her and didn't think much of it until the Spirit stopped me dead in my tracks. The Lord told me, "Pray for her. Pray for her leg." I argued in my head, saying "God. I already walked past her, and I'm kind of on my way somewhere." As I started/continued walking, guilt and conviction started to overwhelmed me, ("Laura, if you had faith as small as a mustard seed...") and I had no choice other than to turn back around. I introduced myself... (now mind you, there is a HUGE group of students by us. Some were watching/had their eye on us) and she let me pray for her. I was so excited and I was hoping that her brace would fall off and there would be a sweet healing, but when I got done she said it didn't feel any different and so I thanked her for letting me pray for her, invited her to Chi Alpha, and walked away.  I was slightly disappointed. I asked God why she wasn't instantly healed, and the Lord said, "Laura, you obeyed Me. You planted the seed and prayed for her. You did what I asked you to do. Don't get discouraged, but instead, have faith and keep praying for her that she will be healed. Have faith. As small as a mustard seed...Also. Take joy in obeying me. I love you, Laura."
I was stunned, and instantly found a joy. I found such a joy that it took my everything not to bust a dance move in the parking lot. I found such a beautiful and overwhelming joy in obeying what the Lord asked me to do. Even though nothing instantly happened physically, I conquered the fear of what people thought around me and planted a seed. And that's exactly what the Lord wanted me to do.
So my advice? Next time you feel that the Lord is asking you to witness to someone or to pray for them, review these verses. All that's going to mater when you get into Heaven is Loving Jesus and working for Him to advance His kingdom. 
Remember, if You don't care what others think (easier said then done; took me 19 years) and if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, YOU can tell a mountain "Move from here to there" and it will move. You may not move an Earth mountain, but you could move a big road block mountain in someone's heart.

I then listened to a song called "It's my joy to Love" and the lyrics actually talking about finding a joy in obeying. And boy, could relate to the song. 